once aroused horror in those who have heard that they or a loved one was the disease. However, thanks to modern medicine, while serious, it is no longer considered a death sentence. However, pneumonia can even lead to death if not treated properly, especially in the elderly and children under one year. In these days of treatment may be based solely on western medicine, alternative medicine, or a combination of both. What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is most often the result of infections caused by bacteria or viruses, or inhalation of vomit, mucus, and certain chemicals. The word means BЂ pneumonia? Inflammation lungsBЂ ™. There are several types of pneumonia, which are differentiated by bacteria that caused it. In fact, they say, about 30 different types, but they are grouped into two main categories, namely, the desire and infectious pneumonia. Aspiration pneumonia results from inhalation of vomit or aggressive chemicals in the lungs. Infectious pneumonia resulting bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia. Some other bacteria that can cause a condition is pneumococcus and staphylococcus. Worst forms of the disease, lobar pneumonia caused by pneumococcus bacteria. Whatever the reason, as a result of light that can not properly do their job, thereby preventing oxygenated blood from reaching cells. Pneumonia usually results in air bags filled with mucus and pus. Treatment depends on the type and severity of pneumonia. When caused by bacteria, pneumonia is usually treated with antibiotics such as penicillin, erythromycin and Augmentin. Most people with pneumonia do not require hospitalization. However, they should take their medication, drink plenty of fluids and more rest. With viral pneumonia, which manages the antibiotics are not effective treatment. In fact, this type tends to keep itself in time of rest and plenty of fluids. and fever can be controlled by prescription. Like most diseases, pneumonia can be effectively treated naturally. Often the recommended method of treatment is vitamin C treatment. Other recommended treatments include:
fenugreek tea It is recommended, especially in the early stages of infection. Drinking tea with fenugreek helps reduce the time when the fever continues. Recommended dosage is four cups per day. would recommend for best results, the stomach must be empty before tea. In fact, fenugreek tea best in the period of fasting. Garlic Garlic can be consumed and used topically for pneumonia. Garlic helps the tea to clean the respiratory system. Apply a paste of garlic in the chest are also helpful, but be looking for possible skin irritation. If irritation occurs stop outdoor use. Sesame seeds extract of sesame seeds, flax seeds, salt and honey helps loosen mucus and other materials of bronchial patency. About 15 grams of sesame seeds immersed in 250 ml of water and left stand for several minutes. Vegetable juices are food and medicinal properties of vegetable juices are well known. Use any combination of vegetables you want for your vegetable juice to speed up recovery from pneumonia. A combination can be carrots, parsnips, cucumbers and beets. Very few vegetables off, you can make one vegetable juices, such as spinach or you can combine them. Avoid adding sugar or artificial sweeteners to vegetable juice. If so inclined, use a little honey. It's always better not to self diagnose, if possible. If you suspect that you have pneumonia, get tested doctor to confirm it. Once you receive confirmation, you can determine how to proceed with treatment. The time required for treatment of pneumonia depends on the type, severity and general health of the patient. The course of treatment also plays an important role in recovery. Typically, a healthy person should make a full recovery within two to three weeks if they will treat. This graph is especially true for young people. Senior may take a little longer to recover from pneumonia. Cough, however, can take up to eight weeks to fully stop. Most importantly, if you are using Western medicine or alternative medicine for treatment of pneumonia, some things remain the same. It is a well balanced diet, plenty of fluids, fresh air and many others. Jessica. March 20, 2009
Pages: [6] I was diagnosed Nov. 15. I'm on my fourth set of antibiotics. My doctor change them, but once I stop taking them the symptoms return. I am walking pneumonia. I think that should be hospitalized, but it does not look like that's what my doctor wants to do. Hi! My child entered the hospital because she had pneumonia. We have been in hospital for one week last week, we were on vacation and my child is less than the lower strattera online. I took the child to Dr. He took and x-ray and shows a bad case of pneumonia children strong sometimes they are sick, but they do not show because they are more interested in the game. He looked ill and complained of pain. Once I am looking for pneumonia and I do not see this serious. I can not believe how my child complains of chest pain. I hope that some of these people feel better because I pray for everyone Whos got this nasty disease! .. (
They did not answer, but they just ask I have a partial pnemonia and treated her, I do not understand why they still cough two months to know them 14 and my type of pneumonia is that Extreme Im just coughing and. Is .. chills. only >> << But yesterday morning I lost appetite .. and I have a feeling its happen again
it certainly is not going to the hospital because my town believe me, they just poke you full needle! even paramedics DONT recommend .. Email me I hope you have recovered Lisa. It was almost 4 months ago. I'm in the same boat as you. I just made the second round package and Mr. after 2 day complete cure, my side is suffering more times. God its awful, never had before. I also I did not have any symptoms, I went to the hospital because I thought I broke his rib pain was so bad, in that same day it felt like a knife stabbing my side when I took a deep breath. Let me not that they finally gave you and you. God bless you.

Barb Beck MacKinnon you my dear are in good Kunt In each garbage bitch trailer word! last day of my x-ray reports, doctor said his case pneumonia, docters give me some drugs and esiflo 250 trans Gahler I feel better within one day of his amazing now days the new drug treatment ur not old methods you want.
thank you in your nonsense comments .. frankly, nobody cares if your sick or BC? I was in the office of Dr. two weeks ago with diagnosed w / pneumonia. first round of Z. -pack ... does not work on Levaquin now I just finished 7 days and still can breath when I do something very sad had no fever do not sweat or chills, or just could not breath Pages: [6] ..
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