Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This can be prevented by taking acidophilus ...

[Download Brochure: What is a urinary tract infection? When bacteria enter the bladder or kidneys and cause the symptoms you have, you have a urinary tract infection (UTI). It is important to know the difference between infection and bacteriuria (bacteria in the urine but no symptoms). What causes a urinary tract infection? Because of your spinal cord injury and that you should use a catheter

you will always have bacteria in the urine. The catheter is a direct path for bacteria to enter your bladder. Bacteria living in the bladder may develop into UTI if your catheter is blocked if the total resistance to infection is reduced, or if you do not drink enough fluids and urine becomes concentrated. Symptoms of urinary tract infection (things you can feel): Increased cramping legs, stomach, bladder or

Borinha urethra, penis or public place

Symptoms of urinary tract infection (things you can message): Note: The appearance and odor of urine can vary due to changes in your diet or fluid. Changes in the urine without symptoms is not sufficient reason to seek treatment for UTI. Self Many people are able to prevent a UTI from the countries taking some steps to take care yourself. The most important step for people who use a catheter is

drink drink and drink more. Your fluid intake should be enough that your urine looks like water or only slightly yellow and clear. Changing the catheter after increasing your fluids can also help reduce the number of bacteria that live in the bladder with catheters can become "colonized" with bacteria that have leached from the urinary tract. In general, change the catheter every month should be sufficient to maintain health, but also people who get frequent UTI or whose catheters become encrusted built-up mineral deposits may have to change frequently. Some people may avoid treatment or UTI, taking vitamin C (500-2000 mg daily) or cranberry extract tablets. Other "natural" treatment may be useful, but you should consult who has expertise in this area, such as a natural doctor. When to contact your doctor: If you develop a fever (temperature above 100 degrees), or if your symptoms interfere with your life, you should call your doctor. He or she will want to know your temperature

current symptoms

Do you have allergies to antibiotics, and

antibiotics that have proved successful in the past. Your doctor wants you to urine for culture and discuss with you whether antibiotics should be started immediately, or if you have to wait for culture results are available. How to build a good sample of the urine: the accuracy of any urine depends on careful collection of the sample. Open the sterile bank one hospital or one you have prepared at home. (To sterilize jars at home, choose a small jar with tight lid. Wash it thoroughly with soap and rinse well. Place the jar and lid in a pot of boiling water and immerse for 10 minutes. Remove jar and lid with metal tongs, turn the dish on the wing, let it cool.) Do not touch the inner surface of the banks. To collect the best samples, >> << catheter should be changed and the urine should be collected directly from the inserted sterile catheter. Collect at least 30 ml (1 ounce). Mochy. Sometimes it may be impossible to change the catheter for collecting urine samples and may have to be obtained from the catheter. Sample is contaminated by bacteria that live on the catheter, and those living in the urine, and the number of colonies that grow tend to be more. Sometimes the laboratory can not pinpoint which bacteria cause symptoms. Never collect urine for culture from bag leg bag or night. Cool designs and keep it cool until you can get it to your doctor. It must be delivered within two hours after collection. Antibiotic therapy if your doctor prescribes antibiotics for you, ask your pharmacist, you should take it before meals or during meals. If you take vitamin C regularly, you should also find out whether it is okay to continue while you are taking antibiotics. Be sure to take all medicines as intended. Some antibiotics will change the balance of your body's "good" bacteria and "bad" bacteria that caused your UTI. When this happens, yeast overgrowth can happen that can cause problems ranging from skin rashes to diarrhea. This can be prevented by taking acidophilic culture, which is available in some brands of yogurt strattera 40mg, acidophilus, or as a pure culture (available in health food stores). If you have any any symptoms you think may be associated with your antibiotics, inform your doctor. To prevent re-colonization of urine bacteria from your catheter, you should always

change the catheter around the middle course of antibiotics. This is important because antibiotics can kill bacteria in your body in urine, but not for himself catheter. When you have finished the antibiotics it

do not need to re-culture, if symptoms are not improved. Harborview Medical Center 325 9th Ave. , Seattle WA 98104

University of Washington Medical Center 1959 NE Pacific, Seattle WA 98195.

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